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  1. Update All
  2. Update Firmware
  3. Select Cores
  4. Download Assets
  5. Backup Saves & Memories
  6. Pocket Setup
    1. Manage Display Modes
      1. Enable Recommended Display Modes
      2. Enable Selected Display Modes for All Cores
      3. Enable Selected Display Modes for Select Cores
      4. Reset All Customized Display Modes
      5. Reset Selected Customized Display Modes
      6. Change Display Modes Option Setting
    2. Download Images and Palettes
      1. Download Platform Image Packs
      2. Download Pocket Library Images
      3. Download GameBoy Palettes
    3. Generate ROMs & JSON Files
      1. Generate Instance JSON Files (PC Engine CD)
      2. Generate Game & Watch ROMs
    4. Super GameBoy Aspect Ratio
      1. Apply 8:7 Aspect Ratio to Super GameBoy cores
      2. Restore 4:3 Aspect Ratio to Super GameBoy cores
    5. Analogizer Config
      1. Jotego Analogizer Config
      2. Standard Analogizer Config
    6. Go Back
  7. Pocket Maintenance
    1. Update Selected
    2. Install Selected
    3. Reinstall All Cores
    4. Reinstall Select Cores
    5. Uninstall Select Cores
    6. Prune Save States
    7. Go Back
  8. Pocket Extras
    1. Additional Assets
      1. Download extras for Eric Lewis’s Donkey Kong
      2. Download extras for Eric Lewis’s Radar Scope
      3. Download extras for Jotego’s Bubble Bobble (jtbubl)
      4. Download extras for Jotego’s Capcom CPS 1 (jtcps1)
      5. Download extras for Jotego’s Capcom CPS 1.5 (jtcps15)
      6. Download extras for Jotego’s Capcom CPS 2 (jtcps2)
      7. Download extras for Jotego’s Pang / Super Pang (jtpang)
      8. Go Back
    2. Combination Platforms
      1. Download Toaplan Version 2 Hardware Combination Core
      2. Download Capcom Z80 Hardware Combination Core
      3. Download Williams 6809 Combination Core
      4. Download Sega System 16 Combination Core
      5. Go Back
    3. Variant Cores
      1. Download Vectrex Extras
      2. Download Dig Dug II
      3. Download Joust
      4. Download Super GameBoy 2
      5. Download Super GameBoy 2: Vaperwave Edition
      6. Download Dual Aspect Ratio: Super GameBoy
      7. Download Dual Aspect Ratio: Super GameBoy 2
      8. Download Dual Aspect Ratio: Super GameBoy 2: Vaperwave Edition
      9. Go Back
    4. Go Back
  9. Settings
  10. Exit